Entry Six: I Took a PSAT and I Liked It
Not really. But guess what I observed that day? Yes, even during the test I took the time to examine some pee to the aitch to the why to the ess to the eye to the cee to the ess. More specifically, action-reaction forces and friction. If (a rather bored) one were to draw an FBD of my pencil during the test, it would include the force that I applied on it down and forwards, the vertical force of the table pushing back (Normal force) and the horizontal force of friction. To find the force of friction, which is in this case kinetic friction, the normal force of the table is multiplied by the kinetic friction coefficient. I don't know what that number is, but I could find out if i wanted to. Needless to say, since my pencil was not accelerating, my fnet=0N. Straight up, I hope all the twelve year-old Chinese and Indian prodigy children who took the PSAT did worse than me so I can be a National Merit Scholar. 

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