Sunday, April 26, 2009

Entry Twenty-Four: Swords of Revealing LIGHT

Last week before the Iolani Fair, the Junior Class went to visit the USS Arizona Memorial out in Pearl Harbor. We took a boat to the memorial, and the water was reflecting the sunlight into my eyes. This is because the light from the sun was hitting the water at a certain angle. The angle formed by the ray of light and the a normal from the surface of the water was equal to the angle formed by my line of vision and the same normal of the water's surface. In essence, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. In a way, I was looking into the sun, which is wrong.

The water, and the oil which is still leaking . . .

Monday, April 20, 2009

Entry Twenty-Three: You spin me right round . . .

The Iolani Fair (Cruisin' the Caribbean) was full of fun games, outrageous rides, good music, and a buttload of food. I spent a good deal of the fair working for the malasada booth, but walked around a lot selling bags of the Portuguese treats. There was a lot of physics involved, for sure. There was one ride that was kind of like a merry-go-round or swing thing, and it perfectly illustrated the concept of circular motion. The person sitting in one of the booths was traveling in a circle, but while their velocity was not changing, they were accelerating because their direction was changing. Basically, it's all about the F=mv^2/R. That's the force on that person baby. I'm tired. Good NIght.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Entry Twenty-Two: what a terrible weekend

indeed it was. i had that APUSH project, plus ac ouple of papers to do, then i had to fix my dad car antenna for like four hours and it failed, then the battery died. anyways, when teh battery died, at least i had a good topic for my physics blog aww yeah. so in order to jump start the car, i needed to use my dad's jump starter thing, which is like a big battery. I connected the positive end of the charger to the positive end of the battery, and the negative end of the charger to a ground, or a big piece of metal. When the charger is turned on, there is an electric charge built up, enough to jump start the battery. this didnt work though, so my car is still halfway in my garage since we cant push it. oh well, shit happens.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Entry Twenty-One: Celly Phones

Motors. They are in all kinds of kooky gadgets, such as my cell phone. It makes it so easy to keep your phone on in school without getting in trouble. That way, people can call you and ask if you want anything from Zippy's since they are off campus getting lunch.

MMM Zippy's is GOOD

Anyways, inside of a cell phone, there is a tiny motor. It is attached to an off-center gear that is weighted on one side. When you receive a phone call, the motor is turned on and because it is weighted, it spins and makes the vibrations that make you say, "Ooh snap gurl someone is calling me!"

MMM Cell Phone Motors are ALSO GOOD

Cell Phones are cool. But not as cool as this guy.