Entry Fourteen: Presidential Blag
Barack Obama was elected to be the fourty-fourth President of the United States of America. This event is one of the most historic occasions of my lifetime for many reasons. The election of a part African-American man to the highest office in the nation is the realization of the dreams of many Americans, most notably Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who hoped for social equality for all Americans regardless of their race, religion, or gender. This election pretty much proves that. Also, this is a tough time for America. The economy is crappy thanks to affirmative action loan policies, the Middle East is still messed up, and everyone is crazy about global warming. Hopefully, President Obama and his advisors will be able to work things out for the best and keep America strong and safe. I don't think I agree with some of his policies about the economy, share some of his beliefs about foreign policy, or approve of some of his more questionable associates, but I do support him and the USA in the fullest so that we can face the challenges of today as a united people. However, we as a people should always question the administration regardless of its political alignment in order to verify its effectiveness and ability to protect and govern its citizens. I leave you with this: